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We’re the best source for real estate investors to find great discount and investment property. We’re constantly picking up new properties and always have properties available.
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Once you register you’ll be contacted via phone to determine a fit. Whenever we get new properties that fit your buying criteria we’ll notify you by call, text, and/or email.
The Team
The Property Cartwheel Group
We’re Hiring
A Bit About Us
Ever wondered who that company is that snaps up the best deals and the highest discounts on properties in the area before anyone else ever even hears about them? Well, that’s us. And we help investors like you put cash in your pocket by passing along the area’s best deals on great properties so you can profit from them and put cash in your pocket. We ONLY market viable deals or deals we’d buy ourselves.
How Do We Do It?
Pretty simple really. We don’t like to overcomplicate things. But we market through 8 channels and highly trained professionals to cut through the noise and the many non-deals out there.
Our company has honed our marketing to a point where we’re pretty darn good at it. We find and acquire deeply discounted real estate then make those properties available to you at DEEPLY discounted prices and underwrite deals with enough meat on the bone to create and grow good business relationships.
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... to our HANDYMAN specials. *These are not on the MLS - Many are below $100k. Available properties on the next page.Where Do We Find These Deals?
Great deals are everywhere in today’s market. But, as you’ve found… the investors who have the best marketing, systems, and connections snap up the best deals before most people even know about them. That’s us. Whether you’re looking for…
- Foreclosure properties for sale
- Cash-flowing rentals
- Fixer-uppers
- Handyman deals
- Investment homes for sale
- Bank owned foreclosures / REO properties
- Distressed properties to rehab
- Discount multi-family properties
How Do We Find The Best Deals?
Techanology and manpower. That’s it. We’ve honed our proprietary marketing systems over the last few years and now have a consistent stream of deeply discounted & distressed properties, vacant land and other types of real estate.
You may have even seen some of our marketing and not have even recofnozed it as being from one of our customer facing brabds. We make thousands of contacts each week searching for how we can provide value and solutions for sellers and investors alike.
In the end, we’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into refining our marketing systems to what they are today. You benefit from that by letting us find great deals and sending them your way – if you have opted in
Why Should You Work With Us?
We’ve already done the work and made the investments to generate a consistent stream of deeply discounted deals. Because we come across so many great deals (30% – 50% below market value) we simply can’t buy and keep all of these properties ourselves… and frankly, we’re really good at finding properties but simply don’t have the capacity to buy them all 🙂
So, that’s where you come in.
Real Estate Investors Looking For Rentals
If you’re a real estate investor and are looking for great rental properties that will cash flow or distressed properties to rehab and resell… we can create opportunities for you (even in low inventory) as one of our preferred buyers – meaning you’ve done an intake call with us to learn how we work and we’ve learned the same about you. OR, you could opt to be on our general list. The beauty of it is you never pay for our service… we make our fee once you close on one of our properties.
Investor Looking To Place Private Capital
Most of the properties we sell are bought up by real estate investors. However, a good segment are purchased by our company. With nearly a six year streak without a recorded loss, we lean into our conservative underwriting to produce consistent wins for ourselves and investors like you.
Who are our investors? Some are investors who, impressed by gains in previous deals, have pursued lending one deals. Some investors are just looking for a place to get better returns than the uber conservative investment vehicles that they’re currently participating in and start small with us. If you’ve been looking for a winning formula, you’re in the right place! Act fast and join our Private Lender’s list.
We’ve gotten to where we are today because we’ve focused on becoming really good at marketing and underwriting great deals, and then selling the option on those deals off to people like you at a huge discount. That’s all we do. You can rest assured that we are a great company to work with…
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